Thursday, May 28, 2009

twist and turns of life

life !!!!
just amazing right??
never know what to expect and what to not but yews its surely and always great.

My life have been a roller coaster ride lately .
jumping from places to places. doing madly things .At times enjoying at others cribbing about not having any thing to do. Feeling confused about my future and also about my present at times. But still walking and enjoying the twists and turns that life throws on me.

To begin had gone to Bangalore for The raising Day Ceremony of Bhai's Unit. That was great coming so close to the Army Culture . I enjoyed . Also had many memorable moments . For say getting lost at 2 in the night then getting to hear all crap about irresponsibility from bhai and bhabhi . later getting banged by a car and finally landing up in a street fight with the cab guy(that was the first fight of my life and i enjoyed it ) and this did leave a mark in my mind as well as on my body some cuts and bruises to display.

After bangalore it wsa Pune which welcomed me .The stay was total fun . spending time with bhabhi . roaming about places playing cards and talking lot of talking.
there is this thing about talking or better put as sharing .when to start to open up your mind to some one you feel closer to them and that feeling is simply great .
came really close to her did not feel like leaving home but had to return.

Nest stop was the train journey one of the memorable one traveling with out a confirmed ticket pestering the TC to sell a birth with some bribe ( total Indian tradition) having a good company and finally managing to get a upgraded seat in 2 ac by shedding off 650 bucks but it was really worth it. just slept the whole day till delhi came.and the night was great to .met and stranger made friends with her .we were up talking all night discussing just every thing on this earth just every thing . It is great na how you meet a stranger and then feel like you have always known them.

finally arrived at delhi. then the journey began again to khatima wnd to accompany me was THE 'KC' . The journey was kool we saw a flick on his lappy ( movie being THE SEX DRIVE we had to cover the screen with our bodies and had to hear to sound through the ear phones so the people can not share the fun !!!!) the night went by in a jiffy talking again .

finally after traveling around the country for a month and half i hit the home terrain .there is some thimg about home and the food made by moms it just relaxes you takes you away from all ur worries .

have been in home since then but not that calm is getting over head seems like i am not doing any thing but i know this shall to pass

I will keep walking facing all the twists and turns of this journey called 'LIFE'