Tuesday, June 28, 2011

An Year Of togetherness!!!

It seems it was just yesterday when I met her for the first time and today we complete an year of togetherness. An year of being, An Knowing each other , An year of happiness , An year of love , An year of Eternal Memories!! Memories that are going to be with us for now and forever .
I got to know you all the more came to know your likes , your Dislikes , Your Dreams your wishes. But still there is an unending quest to know each other . With every passing day I have seen the love grow and our bond getting stronger. Differences getting erased.
Surely there were times when I had hurt you or not lived up to your expectations but that’s how we get to know each other best. I can’t really remember where this year flew by it always seems its just a small while of us being together.
Some times I have looked for reasons of why I love you but I didn’t find any . I figure out there is no reason of why I love you. I love you because you are you. For the person you are and for how you make me feel when we are together. Its like we are to half’s one completing the other. This is our First year of togetherness and there are many many more to come. Which will be filled with beautiful memories and yes loads and loads of love .Love which is eternal and ever growing.


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