Friday, March 6, 2009

An unforgiveable mistake

Life is a collections of memories, good experience and bad experiences
better known as Mistakes.
But its said its totally human to do mistakes and learn from that .
Many a times the mistakes one does are considered to big to forgive !
Is it really so ? A mistake is done under some circumstances and it
may be a big one but we can forgive it.
Some time back i did a chain of such big mistakes which cost me my
most important relation of my life. I behaved as an asshole throwing
my tantrums and my frustrations on the one who deserved my love. Kept
doing so till her last nerve cracked and she gave up on me. I know i
was a fool reacted in such a manner. And i am really sorry will be
sorry for this till my last breath on this earth. But the mistakes i
did the way i behaved was the only thing that came into my mind then.
It had cost me a lot all i wish for is your forgiveness i m sorry !
Sorry for every thing that i did i ask for your forgiveness and hope
that we be friends again hope things be good between us .

Sent from my mobile device


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