Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Boring Day At Office Made me Think This

I am unset as nothing in life is set,
I am bugged just wish I was hugged,
I am going crazy I am going mad,
Its just that life is going to sad ,

I am thinking what to do,
Where to go,
In here there are no friend and foe.

There are such times when life goes slow ,
There is nothing in sight to blow,

This is how life goes by,
At times its low at times its high.

Best is when friends are there ,
As that time every thing seems fare.

Life is a learning for sure ,
But to boredom there is no cure .

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wake UP Sid ! Review

Wake up Sid !

The name itself gives away quite a bit about the movie its about Sid and how he realizes his passion in life.

Sid played by Ranbir Kapoor Is a spoiled brat in his final year of graduation wasting away his dads money ( who happens to have got a company of flower Showers ) enjoying life shopping clubbing with friends. Then There is Aisha played by the bongo beauty Konkana sen who is ambitious wants to be a writer and to follow that dream comes all the way from kolkata to mumbai to be independent and realize har dream.

They meet at a party and become friends life goes on . The turning point is when sid fails in the final term exams of college and have a hot discussion with his family and leaves his home. He shifts with Aisha who has now got a job with Mumbai Treat ( some great magazine) He slowly realize his passion of photography and start to do it.
Movie ends at a pleasant note with Sid and Aisha realizing that they love each other and now are able to follow their dreams .There is a message to for the youth to stop fooling around and take life with more responsibility.

In all a good movie very close to reality youth can connect with it and will spot many moments similar their lives.
Direction is good .The director have been able to capture the emotions very well as well as other aspects. Actors to have done justice to the characters both of them give real and believable expressions.


P.s. see it without expectations you will surely enjoy

Love Reignited

After the break up i was like running away from thought that as if i dont need it neither will i be ever ready to accept it again in my life.
It was like i was scared .

But recently i have been reading quite a few love stories and also watching some all time best love stories. It makes my heart believe in love it wants
o fall in love again. I saw 'Wake Up Sid' today(review in the next post) it to had a love story making the back bone of the movie. Yet again my heart felt
an emptiness for that special some one. But i wont run around in search of it will just keep my eyes and my heart open .

Thus now i am SINGLE TO MINGLE.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Na Ruki Kabhi Zindagi

Chalti Rahti hai ye zindagi,
Na rukti hai kisi ke liye,
Chalte rahte hai rahi rah mai iski,
Kuch besud kuch begane se.

Ger lage kabhi ki tu thak gaya hai chalte-chalte is rah pe tu,
Ek pal ruk thaher zara dekh bhag raha hai her insan,
Choone ke liye apne aseem sapno ko.

Harte hai ,Girte hai ye log mager,
Phir khade hote hai chalne ke liye is rah pe,

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I feel very strange many a times lately.
I have come some 2500 kms away from my home away from almost all my friends to a reasonably new place(Bangalore) to prepare for my future but there is still a big question there in my mind , ‘What is it that I am destined for , what was the sole reason I was born on this earth ???? ‘
Haven’t been able to figure out this one even in last two years when I was preparing for MBA( which have been a dream don’t know for what reason ) I still want to do MBA that to from a ‘crem dela crem’ institute and I am trying for it to but always there is a WHY to answer in my mind.

It’s been almost 4 weeks here in Bangalore now have gone through many phases in this small time . At times I am in my studies deep and drowning with no clue about the world just me and my books and there have been times where I feel that all this studies SUCK. Why am I putting all this efforts. Presently there is another thing on the charts ‘CDS’ (courtesy ‘BHAI and BHABHI’ they want me to be in ARMED FORCES and to be true I like it here to as there is too much to learn from it and it’s kind of a means to my many yet unknown ends) . So there are also times when there is nothing but lot of confusion in my mind an array of zillion thoughts not one in sight to hold on to. Is this the age of confusion ??? OR I am just hyping it up within myself.

Told you all to many unanswered questions and to many confusions to sort out but there is always a belief that I will pursue my destiny will figure my reason of being here and surely achieve come what may !!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

twist and turns of life

life !!!!
just amazing right??
never know what to expect and what to not but yews its surely and always great.

My life have been a roller coaster ride lately .
jumping from places to places. doing madly things .At times enjoying at others cribbing about not having any thing to do. Feeling confused about my future and also about my present at times. But still walking and enjoying the twists and turns that life throws on me.

To begin had gone to Bangalore for The raising Day Ceremony of Bhai's Unit. That was great coming so close to the Army Culture . I enjoyed . Also had many memorable moments . For say getting lost at 2 in the night then getting to hear all crap about irresponsibility from bhai and bhabhi . later getting banged by a car and finally landing up in a street fight with the cab guy(that was the first fight of my life and i enjoyed it ) and this did leave a mark in my mind as well as on my body some cuts and bruises to display.

After bangalore it wsa Pune which welcomed me .The stay was total fun . spending time with bhabhi . roaming about places playing cards and talking lot of talking.
there is this thing about talking or better put as sharing .when to start to open up your mind to some one you feel closer to them and that feeling is simply great .
came really close to her did not feel like leaving home but had to return.

Nest stop was the train journey one of the memorable one traveling with out a confirmed ticket pestering the TC to sell a birth with some bribe ( total Indian tradition) having a good company and finally managing to get a upgraded seat in 2 ac by shedding off 650 bucks but it was really worth it. just slept the whole day till delhi came.and the night was great to .met and stranger made friends with her .we were up talking all night discussing just every thing on this earth just every thing . It is great na how you meet a stranger and then feel like you have always known them.

finally arrived at delhi. then the journey began again to khatima wnd to accompany me was THE 'KC' . The journey was kool we saw a flick on his lappy ( movie being THE SEX DRIVE we had to cover the screen with our bodies and had to hear to sound through the ear phones so the people can not share the fun !!!!) the night went by in a jiffy talking again .

finally after traveling around the country for a month and half i hit the home terrain .there is some thimg about home and the food made by moms it just relaxes you takes you away from all ur worries .

have been in home since then but not that calm is getting over head seems like i am not doing any thing but i know this shall to pass

I will keep walking facing all the twists and turns of this journey called 'LIFE'

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Out of sight , out of mind ! Is it ever out of HEART

There is this saying that once a person is out of sight he / she is
soon out of mind as well. But is it possible that the person is out of
our heart as well.

If some one is dear and holds an important place in your life he never
drifts away from you heart may be from your memory but never from your
hearts . Your thoughts will once in a while drift away to the person
and you long for them and there presence but they no longer are there
specially any where around accesscable. Its like some part of you is
for them may be you would have friends and loved once but a void is
and will surely remain !

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Anshul verma

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her kashti chahti hai kinara

Chahti hai her kashti ek kinara,
chata hai her manzer ek sahara,
Hai her ek akela is jahan mai bus cahta ek saath hai ye tanha dil bechara.

Every one in this lonely world wish for a company some one special who
he can call his own but not just every one is lucky to find it. The
search is eternal

Rukti hai kashti kitne kinaro pe,
Per hota nahi wo manzer uska,
Aur phir hoti hai kashti duniya ke samunder mai,
Apni aseemit talash mai ,
Dhoondne zo manzer jo uska hai. . .

To the eternal search of TRUE LOVE.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A feeling re-evoked

Things were all green around had a good holi with friends n family but
as the night had fall in i feel lonely. I miss her presence wish she
was there but a thought cross my mind will it ever happen? I thought i
was getting used to be alone but at times your actions and thoughts
betray you this seems one of such day.' This shall to pass' is the
only thing that come in my mind. Its like i am child again learning n
understanding things all over again . This seems another trick that He
is playing on me surely he wants me to see thing with a new
perspective. I dont know where its taking me so this time have decided
not fight rather swim with the flow may be thats the best for now!

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

A relief

When one does something wrong there is a constant burden inside him.
His innerself keeps on questioning him making him feel bad and like a
big drilling machine that thing keeps on poking you till the time you
let it out .

I to had done some terrible mistake in my life that kept on pinching
me from within thus i took efforts to let it out of me and apologise
to the one i had hurt . I felt so lite headed so did my soul. And the
icing on the cake was that I was forgiven . Though the pain caused
and effect of the mistake is irreversibale but its yet a new begining
will surely try to erase the damage done .

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Friday, March 6, 2009

An apology

In my life i have done many mistakes . Hurt my loved ones and
disappointed friends i hearby apologise to all for those bad times
from my side i never wanted to do any of it i was just human to do
Like wise i have hurt my love very much. She is not angry with me at
present but the wound of my mistakes still lie in both our lifes . I
have disappointed her hurt her over n over again and one day she could
not take more of me and she give it up and may be she was right to .
Every one in this world looks for your love and it is an essential for
life n relations. Nannu what all i did was unintentional i never
thought of causing the damage. But what has happened has happened so
now i want to apologise to you for what all i did for all the pain i
have. I m sorry for every thing. And for all the times i had hurt you
all this while

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An unforgiveable mistake

Life is a collections of memories, good experience and bad experiences
better known as Mistakes.
But its said its totally human to do mistakes and learn from that .
Many a times the mistakes one does are considered to big to forgive !
Is it really so ? A mistake is done under some circumstances and it
may be a big one but we can forgive it.
Some time back i did a chain of such big mistakes which cost me my
most important relation of my life. I behaved as an asshole throwing
my tantrums and my frustrations on the one who deserved my love. Kept
doing so till her last nerve cracked and she gave up on me. I know i
was a fool reacted in such a manner. And i am really sorry will be
sorry for this till my last breath on this earth. But the mistakes i
did the way i behaved was the only thing that came into my mind then.
It had cost me a lot all i wish for is your forgiveness i m sorry !
Sorry for every thing that i did i ask for your forgiveness and hope
that we be friends again hope things be good between us .

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Thursday, March 5, 2009


Did you ever thought how strange are the ways of life. How things ever
keep on changing around you how people change how relations change
,grow and break.things of this world around us are so ununderstandable
at times. Specially at this point of time when my life is in a mess
every aspect of life is being all the more different to me it is
defying my perspective towards life and towards my self

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These are few thoughts that i have kept within me now its all there to be shared .....