Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A feeling re-evoked

Things were all green around had a good holi with friends n family but
as the night had fall in i feel lonely. I miss her presence wish she
was there but a thought cross my mind will it ever happen? I thought i
was getting used to be alone but at times your actions and thoughts
betray you this seems one of such day.' This shall to pass' is the
only thing that come in my mind. Its like i am child again learning n
understanding things all over again . This seems another trick that He
is playing on me surely he wants me to see thing with a new
perspective. I dont know where its taking me so this time have decided
not fight rather swim with the flow may be thats the best for now!

Sent from my mobile device


1 comment:

Kumar Chitrang said...

The toughest steel must go through the hottest fire, buddy. This too shall pass alright, but see what He wants you to see. Help Him to help you.