Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Circumstances !!

Few nights back we all were having a discussion about life . What , When why all questions asked . What we want to achieve in life , How is it going to happen ? when will it take place ? To many serious questions at one time 
But at one step we came across circumstances . Circumstances that had prevented us from achieving our goals till now , circumstances that will prevent us further later in life .
But being a person of my own will I was totally against this. I fail to agree to the fact that circumstances play a role in your life ,in your career . according to me its more about choices you make and how stern you are about your choices . circumstances arise when you are not that sure about what you want to do. As many times in life you will have to make choices leaving aside your feelings , Your relations , even your life to achieve what you want and once you fail to do so you rationalize it by saying that circumstances were not right so you were not able to do this or do that though the reality of situation is that you become week towards the opposition you got while making that choice which might have altered your life all together.
Whatever happens to you and your life no one else but you yourself are responsible for it. No one but you are the one who should decide for yourself leaving aside all the things that effect you. This can only happen when you are committed to your goal more then yourself , When all that you think about is that goal itself. You dream about it even with open eyes. If that’s the passion you have for anything you will leave no stone unturned to achieve it and there will be no so called circumstances that will effect that PATH.
So how much going gets tough just KEEP WALKING !!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Unexpected !!

Life never goes according to your plan it has a very unexpected plan laid out for you . You start your day expecting something and what happens is something totally unexpected . For example I started my day thinking to reach office on time . First googly Metro on huda rout running late , Then the metro I board ends at green park not an issue still. Then finally when I get down at MG Road Metro station I get to know that the tempo’s in this part of city are on a strike for 5 days. Leaving me no option to travel to office . I try to get a lift from passerby no success I I wait for something to turn up. Nothing Zilch. Finally with no option left I talk to a rickshaw puller ask him the rates to drop me to office and he says freaking 70 bucks we settle down at 50 and after 20 min’s of bumpy ride I get dropped in front of my office ,LATE !! but it does not matters as I was not at fault it was the system that is to blame. And what happens when I reach office . There is no one there I am the single soul on the whole floor . Fine again no issue I was asked to come so I came and carried my work.
Conclusion: Nothing goes as per plan so why Plan!!!
Just wake up and leave home on time what happens on the way leave it for then. As that’s the only way you will be able to keep your peace of mind enjoying every situation you get yourself into. There is no point of cribbing feeling bad or any thing . Just make the best out of every situation you land into, learn the max you can out of it and enjoy it to the core if nothing else it will give you a hearty laugh and an eternal memory and experience .
Wherever you life takes you , How bumpy the way gets Just keep Walking
and smiling away to Glory :P

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Race

Life in a Metro have become a race . Whenever I walk by I see nothing but people racing away for something or the other. In mornings I see them running to reach the metro station just to reach there just a min to catch that rushing away Metro. Next I see them running towards the exit gates to reach there before the others so that they don’t have to wait in line behind others.
People breaking their cars past the Zebra crossings at the red lights so as to save on those 1-2 sec’s once the light turns green .
Just about everywhere they try to rush in as if they would be in an eternal hurry.
They never take time to what they pass by in mid of all this . Turning their eyes close to the beauty of life and world.
They just do things to get there life easy rather in order to make good money and buy all comforts of life to give themselves the illusion of happiness. Whereas in order to get to this status they do things that they never admire or wanted to do. Kids who dreamed about becoming Artists are jumping into B/Tech Machines to become engineers . Mechanical engineers going to IT companies as they pay high. Engineers having studied engineering for 4 years turning down physics , IT etc to do MBA and learn Management jargons in order to earn still more. Seems its all about money these days there is no one looking for contentment , Happiness they just want to create the illusion for it. And they have been able to do it to some extent leaving a few times when they dare to look inside themselves and realize that they are not really happy they just smiling as they have managed to buy their favorite Car or are living at a posh colony.
All these have led to the decline of humans at emotional level .
Don’t know where this is going to lead for the Human Clan but at present day everyone seems to be in the illusion of happiness . What happens when this bubble breaks ?
Only Time will tell!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Vary State

There was a time when I was free through in and throughout trying to lay my hands on some work. Shooting mails to different organizations calling people to get some work ! any work for that matter . What came as reply was kind off unanimous ‘ We are not requiring people as of now’ , ‘ we are not hiring as of now ‘ , ‘ Mail us your resume and we will get back to you whenever we have a requirement or an opening ‘ . everything seemed a farce that point of time.
And one day when I expected the lease I get a call from my contact in Wizcraft asking me to come to her office ASAP . With no clue what to expect I dash off . Reaching there the first thing I am asked is are you free for a month and I was . Then I was straight told the work I will be dong with the company for one month and I was to start on an immediate basis . It all happened so fast . And today I sit in wizcraft office done with my work still trying to sink in the feeling that I am working as an intern at Wiz. That’s kind off a dream come true as that s where I always wanted to start off from .
But still don’t know why I do not feel too happy !! it’s not that I am not satisfied or anything but I feel I am not as happy as I should have been with the news . I still have to figure out why it is so ?
It’s my second day at work and I surely like it despite of the fact that I have to travel some 3 hours every day on my way to and back from office . I do not complain I am just happy that I am here doing this . What holds next is a mystery . All I can do is to do my best with the tasks at hand and live up to the expectation of the person who hired me.
At present day I have stopped expecting anything from my future all I think about is today and now .Trying to do the task at hand to the best of my capabilities. And what come may I will

Keep Walking…