Friday, April 15, 2011

The Race

Life in a Metro have become a race . Whenever I walk by I see nothing but people racing away for something or the other. In mornings I see them running to reach the metro station just to reach there just a min to catch that rushing away Metro. Next I see them running towards the exit gates to reach there before the others so that they don’t have to wait in line behind others.
People breaking their cars past the Zebra crossings at the red lights so as to save on those 1-2 sec’s once the light turns green .
Just about everywhere they try to rush in as if they would be in an eternal hurry.
They never take time to what they pass by in mid of all this . Turning their eyes close to the beauty of life and world.
They just do things to get there life easy rather in order to make good money and buy all comforts of life to give themselves the illusion of happiness. Whereas in order to get to this status they do things that they never admire or wanted to do. Kids who dreamed about becoming Artists are jumping into B/Tech Machines to become engineers . Mechanical engineers going to IT companies as they pay high. Engineers having studied engineering for 4 years turning down physics , IT etc to do MBA and learn Management jargons in order to earn still more. Seems its all about money these days there is no one looking for contentment , Happiness they just want to create the illusion for it. And they have been able to do it to some extent leaving a few times when they dare to look inside themselves and realize that they are not really happy they just smiling as they have managed to buy their favorite Car or are living at a posh colony.
All these have led to the decline of humans at emotional level .
Don’t know where this is going to lead for the Human Clan but at present day everyone seems to be in the illusion of happiness . What happens when this bubble breaks ?
Only Time will tell!!

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